By state law, every candidate must file campaign statements during the election showing who is funding their campaigns and how they spend their money. If you don’t file, you face huge fines and possible investigation by the District Attorney (see Mario Beltran).
For the March 3, 2009 Election, these are the due dates for campaign statements:
January 22
January 31
February 19
In the Southeast Cities, there are some candidates who have NOT FILED statements, breaking the law, and hiding their campaign money.
City of Bell
Nestor Valencia
City of Cudahy
Rosa Diaz (councilmember)
Luis Garcia
Daniel Cota
Nestor Valencia ran in 2007 and never filed in that election either. His campaign committee is called BELL COMMUNITY VOTE TO ELECT NESTOR E. VALENCIA He’s sending mailers, but hasn’t show where the money is coming.
Luis Garcia and Daniel Cota are running together like they did in 2007. They have two committees that sent campaign mailers (VOTE 4 NEW LEADERSHIP from 2007 and VOTE 4 COTA AND GARCIA), but neither filed in 2007, 2008 or in 2009.
Rosa Diaz is on the council now, was never elected but appointed, and didn’t even open a campaign committee. She is spending money on her campaign (signs, t-shirts, flyers) and may be guilty of more than failing to report.
“Receipts and expenditures in election campaigns should be fully and truthfully disclosed in order that the voters may be fully informed and improper practices may be inhibited.”California's Political Reform Act requires disclosure of campaign contributions and expenditures in connection with state and local elections, including ballot measure elections.
California Gov. Code section 81002(a)
1 comment:
This site is nothing but a wannabe. Check your facts. Have you called Nestor Valencia or Cota and Garcia to ask them about this so called "illegal activity?" Or are you going based on negative fliers, put out by George Cole himself, becuase he just admitted to putting out those fliers attacking Valencia to the Los Angeles Times, which coincidently, had exactly the same layout ("Stop the corrupt politicians") label and images used to attack Cota and Garcia.
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