Watch these videos and compare what you see to what Garcia says in the police report.
Here's what to watch for:
1. How convenient that cameras were placed in two windows facing the street, but the vandals seem to avoid being seen (as if they knew about the cameras and what angle to hide from).
2. Almost immediately following the incident, Garcia arrives with Cota, right behind the vandals.
3. Garcia lies about being "asleep on his couch." You can clearly see him and Cota running from a white van.
4. Why is Cota at the scene? Garcia never told police he was there.
5. Where is the “neighbor” that Garcia claims to have been screaming about the fire? The neighbor is nowhere in the video. Another lie by Garcia.
6. Did Garcia show BOTH videos to police? Probably not because it would have contradicted his story…um, lies.
Note that immediately following the news coverage, Garcia and Cota quickly update their web site. The site is exactly the same as 2007 with the date changed and links to the current news items. They have no substantive information about their campaigns, any qualifications, or any plan to accomplish their agenda. Only these publicity stunts.
Part 1: What Garcia showed to the media
Part 2: you can see Garcia and Cota and at least 2 more people who Garcia never reports to police.
Different Angle: This one shows Garcia arriving with Cota from a white Van (2:16) to put out the fire...a little over 1 min. from the convenient...
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